Rochester Touristen Verein

President: Mark Storm
To perpetuate the ideals, values and culture of its founders. To manage RTV assets and natural resources responsibly. To be good stewards of the land. To be a good neighbor in the community. To respect its members and enjoy companionship, conversation and common interests of its members. To promote new membership.
Rochester Touristen Verein, Inc., (RTV) was established in 1929 tracing its beginnings to German immigrants in the Rochester area who wanted to share their ideals and values with each other at a common location. Early RTV members enjoyed companionship, conversation, and common interests at various locales.
In June, 1935 RTV club members purchased a unique property on Pond Road in Lima, New York. This beautiful property exists today and continues to be the focal point for present RTV members to meet, converse, and celebrate. The property includes a farmhouse from the late 1700’s, a barn, ponds, various structures and a good amount of acreage.
Current RTV members enjoy many of the same activities as did the founders: a common location for social gatherings, nature hikes, appreciation of the flora and fauna, cross-country skiing, swimming, fishing, picnics, and simple relaxation in a natural setting. Many families have watched their children grow up, mature, and embrace the ideals and values of RTV’s forebears.
On the second Sunday of June each year, RTV hosts a traditional German Festival celebrating nature’s re-awakening, “Baumblüten Fest” (Blossom Festival). RTV invites the public to participate at this annual German Blossom Festival to enjoy the food, music, dancing, and many other activities that are celebrated in German tradition.
Each Autumn RTV hosts a traditional “Wein Fest” (Wine Festival) celebrating nature’s harvest. RTV invites the public to participate at this annual German Wine Festival to enjoy the food, music and dancing celebrated in German tradition.
The RTV club hosts several other special events throughout the year. RTV members and guests enjoy numerous picnics, nature hikes, and other activities throughout the year.